An annual physical may seem like an unnecessary burden, but there are some excellent reasons not to skip this appointment. Annual physicals are so important to your overall health that insurance companies are starting to offer monetary rewards for completing your annual physical each year as incentive. Even if you dislike going to the doctor as most men do, it is important to bite the bullet and be seen.
Disease Prevention
Many diseases can be successfully avoided or treated early if they are detected right away. Sometimes, the symptoms of these diseases are negligible and can be easily ignored. You may not have any indication on your own that you have diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or other illness. With a careful examination and routine lab tests, your doctor can detect the beginnings of these diseases before they become severely detrimental to your overall health.
Update Prescriptions
While you may be able to get your maintenance medications refilled with a quick call to your doctor, for most conditions, your doctor will want to see you periodically. Even if your blood pressure has stayed the same for years and your medication has not changed, your doctor will want to follow up with you before renewing your prescription. The same is true for many other medical conditions. Going to your annual physical allows your doctor to fully examine you and determine if your medications should stay the same, and they will at that time offer you refills.
Lifestyle Coaching
Your doctor will ask you many questions about your lifestyle during your annual physical. Through these answers and the information they gather from your exam and lab tests, doctors can explain how your lifestyle is contributing to your overall health, or lack of health. Often, making healthy lifestyle changes can head off disease and decrease the need for medications.
If you have not had your annual physical, contact us today for an appointment.